#901: Monitoring Ice.Studying Ice Formation and Melting Changes.

When Ice911 needed to design an autonomous station to deploy to the Arctic, near Barrow, AK, they came to embeddedTS. Their requirements strongly focused on a fanless, low power, solar and battery powered solution capable of handling the frigid Arctic weather. The TS-7400-V2 met all of those demands and then some. Using USB sonar, light, and radiation sensors, the scientists were able to remotely gather the data via WiFi and cellular as well as store it on the microSD card.
Watch the video presentation on YouTube

The TS-7400-V2 Single Board Computer. Capable and ready for harsh environments.
The TS-7400-V2 is a low power single board computer capable of running fanless from -40 °C to 85 °C and consuming less than half a watt or less with sleep mode and advanced power management features. There's an interface for just about any project, including RS-232, RS-485, CAN, DIO, ADC, DAC, I2C, and more, all packaged in a small, low powered footprint.
Find out more about the TS-7400-V2Built for Extremes. Passed a ruthless HALT test with flying colors.
While the penguin weigh station represents a real world application, we were confident the TS-7400-V2 would excel in this environment based on previous HALT results. Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) is a stress testing methodology used to determine product reliability and the operational parameters for a device or component.
Read about HALT testing