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Ubuntu Core Powered Embedded Systems

Official Canonical Partner for Ubuntu Core IoT Solutions

Snap In. Get moving quickly.

Ubuntu Core requires users to generate "snap" packages for their application and provides a mechanism for saving remote updates to the OS and packages. Our kernel is based on Ubuntu 16's Linux Kernel v4.4 to provide the best compatibility and support. Our kernel snap is provided through the ubuntu core app store.

Clone our Ubuntu Core repository.

TS-4900 Product Introduction. Ubuntu Core guides and resources.

If you're looking at getting started with Ubuntu Core on the TS-4900, take a look at this simple set of instructions. You'll be off and running in no time.

Start by reading the manual.

More About Canonical. The company behind Ubuntu.

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

Read more about Canonical.